Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Happy Tuesday kind blog readers! Summer is almost over, which means we'll have to pack up all of our swimsuits, beach balls and self tanner and replace it with muted-colored cardigans and fucking hot cocoa. I'm not a big fan of Fall, it just seems so blah to me. Winter has the holiday season for all God-fearing Christians to skip and sing together. Spring brings bikini season and vacations to exotic lands where strangers can exchange sexually transmitted diseases. And, summer is the best three months of the year. The only good part about Fall is Halloween, aka every girls' excuse to dress as a prostitute for a night. And free candy.

Anyway, I begrudgingly labeled all my blogs so it would be easier for people to find the types of blogs they like. Oh, the things I do for the seven people that read my unbridled and inane ramblings on this crazy world of ours. I should have a new blog up some time later this week. Until next time...


1 comment:

The Invisible Seductress said...

;} free candy and prostitute garb, my favorite!!!

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